Friday, February 16, 2007


I have a confession to make. I am a poor communicator. I communicate very well face to face, but when it comes to phone, email, BLOGGING, and the like I am absolutely horrible.

Do you ever get those forwards where your friends answer questions about themselves and then send it to a bunch of other people that might be interested? Well I do and I am usually the answer to the question, "who is least likely to answer these questions and return it to you?"

Realizing my deficiencies I will still NOT promise any improvements or elude to any grand attempts to get better as I simply do not know how it will go. Even as I am typing this blog I think, "nobody will read this because nobody visits your blog anymore because you never post anything, idiot." Therefore, if you are reading this by some chance that you happened upon my blog please comment to let me know someone wants to hear from me. I actually like writing and love the idea of journaling. I just lack the discipline at this point.

There you have it. My confession is over and my blogging/communication sins are forgiven.

Maybe you will hear more from me and maybe you won't. I am not sure. I just know that my lack of return communication or proactive communication in no way represents the way I feel about my friends and fmaily members. If you want to know how much I love you know where to come get some love...face to face.